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A look back at General Chapter 2024
From the arrivals to the Closing Ceremony, this video tries to capture the moments of joy, the moments of warmth and the moments of encounter during General Chapter 2024.

Thanking those who worked at the Chapter
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the various teams that worked behind-the-scenes, supporting the facilitators, the coordinating committee, and the capitulants.

Interviews: What are you bringing home from the Chapter?
As the Chapter drew to a close, we asked the capitulants to summarize what it was like and what they are going to bring back home.

The General Chapter is brought to a close
The General Chapter of 2024 was officially closed on August 31, 2024. In her address, Claire Castaing rscj, our new Superior General, spoke of courage and risk-taking, of the value of vulnerability, and of transformation.

We have a new General Council!
The International Society of the Sacred Heart is pleased to announce the nomination of the new General Council: Ananda Amritmahal (IND), Noellina Namusisi (UGK), Francisca (Paqui) Rodríguez (ESP) and Sheila Smith (USC).

Day 29. Courage for the journey
Thursday was a day of much reading for the capitulants, as their task in these days is to give content and form to the General Chapter Document.

Day 28. The seeds have sprouted
On Wednesday, as the capitulants came back to the chapter room after their free day, they saw that the seeds have sprouted and the plants are growing.

Day 27. One Last Day of Excursions
Tuesday was the last opportunity for the capitulants to go on outings together.

Day 26. An ending is a beginning
The Liturgy Team is made up of three RSCJs from different continents, who take turns preparing the daily prayers so that different cultures are represented. On Monday morning, the capitulants prayed in an unusual way, watching an animated film by Korean-American artist Edwin Chang: Wind.

Day 25. Reflection and synthesis
On Sunday morning, the capitulants prayed with a poem of Jan Richardson: “…take the vows the pilgrim takes:
to be faithful to the next step…”

Day 24. Planting the seeds
On Saturday, the capitulants continued their in-depth discussion on the four themes: governance; apostolic priorities; shared resources and community of goods; and formation.

Day 23. Moving Towards the Future
On Friday, the Chapter entered the next stage, in which the capitulants had the task of developing the four main themes.

Take a virtual visit to the Centro Ad Gentes
Watch the video to walk through the Centro Ad Gentes: the capitulant room, the chapel, the dining room, and the common areas.

Day 22. The Journey Continues
Thursday began with the second “Expand Your Tents” session, where the whole Society was able to join via Zoom to get a more in-depth presentation of the events of the past few days.

Day 20-21. Days of Recharge
The life-giving experiences of Tuesday and Wednesday gave the capitulants an opportunity to “recharge their batteries”.

Our New Superior General
The General Chapter 2024 is happy to announce the election of Claire Castaing RSCJ as Superior General for a period of eight years.

Day 17. Start of the election process
On Saturday, the process of electing the new General Superior of the Society began. The capitulants will spend the next three days in prayerful, silent discernment. Please accompany them with your prayers.

Day 16: Preparing for the election process
Friday the capitulants were invited in the morning prayer to open their eyes and contemplate the reality in which they live, with faith, so that together they can continue on the path along which the Holy Spirit has guided them.

Interviews: Looking towards the proposed new provinces
Listen to the capitulants talk about what their countries, their cultures, and their missions will bring to their proposed new provinces and on what experiences they have already shared with the other members.

Day 15. Focusing on the community of goods
On Thursday, the morning prayer was about true fasting (Is 58,5-9). The meditation on this text was an appropriate introduction to the day.

Day 14 – A day of outings
Another week having passed, Wednesday was a day to rest, to do something else, to relax. They could visit nearby historic sites: Frascati and Grottaferrata, Fossanova Abbey or have a tranquil day at Lake Albano in Castel Gandolfo.

Day 13 – “Now, get yourselves ready”
On Tuesday, a new stage of the Chapter’s process began. The capitulants now focused on how to embrace a common vision, values and guidelines that will guide the Society and the provinces in their way of living the new organisation, and to set the necessary landmarks for the next eight years.

Day 12. Audience with Pope Francis
Monday was a very memorable day for the capitulants. Pope Francis received four religious congregations (who were holding their Chapter in Rome) at a private audience.

Day 11 – A new phase: The people were unanimous
On Saturday, the capitulants started a new stage of the Chapter, where the focus shifted to organisational issues.

Day 10 – A day of recollection and celebration
The capitulants spent the morning in personal prayer, followed by a plenary in the afternoon. The day ended with a Eucharistic celebration, followed by a pizza dinner and a party to close the first third of the Chapter.

Day 9: A day of reaching out
On Friday, the capitulants connected via Zoom with the sisters of the Society.

Day 8: A day of listening
On Thursday, the capitulants prepared themselves to welcome the conversations of the day in a tone of openness, listening, honesty, truth, compassion, and mercy.

Day 7: Excursion day – A well-deserved day of rest
The first week of the Chapter has already passed, and the capitulants deserved some rest. They had the opportunity to spend the day in Nemi, enjoying its tranquillity, or to take part in one of the excursions to Castel Gandolfo, Subiaco or to the beach of Anzio.

Day 6: Preparing the soil
On Tuesday, the feast of the Transfiguration, during the morning prayer the capitulants asked for the Lord’s help to make room for grace.

Day 5: End of the Tents of Encounter and personal prayer
On Monday, the morning prayer invited the capitulants to return to the source of Madeleine Sophie in Joigny, to surrender our lives and our world to the action of the Holy Spirit. Each capitulant was then able to continue her visit to the Tents of Encounter to discover the realities of the possible new provinces,…

Day 4: Finishing the report presentations and Tents of Encounter
The morning was devoted to reports from several international commissions. In the afternoon, the capitulants were able to meet and talk with those in the proposed new provinces.

Day 3 : Presentation of reports
Saturday began by asking the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to open our eyes, ears and hearts to follow the light they show us. Then the morning was devoted to the presentation of reports.

Day 2 : Day of silence and prayer
On Friday, the capitulants were invited to enter into silence and prayer, to open their hearts, their eyes and their ears to the Holy Spirit.

Opening of the General Chapter 2024
Yesterday, Barbara Dawson opened the XXXVII General Chapter of the Society of the Sacred Heart 2024.

The capitulants have arrived!
After what for some was a long journey, the capitulants arrived safely in Nemi. The corridors were filled with joyful greetings in every language as the sisters were reunited. This welcome day was an opportunity for everyone to get to know the center, to rest, to enjoy the beautiful view of the lake and to…

Getting ready for General Chapter 2024
The General Chapter 2024 is about to begin! The capitulants are on their way to Nemi and the teams are getting ready. Please accompany them with prayer.

Tents of Encounter
The General Council is now focused on the journey towards the General Chapter 2024. All of us are also on a journey from the known land (our provinces) to a new land (new provinces). On this journey, many new things are happening. Often it feels like being on a pilgrimage with God, journeying towards the…

General Chapter 2024 – logo and prayer
Here is some additional information on the General Chapter 2024, as well as the prayer card and the logo. To download the logo or prayer card, click on the links below. For the logo in PNG or vector format, please write to
Convocation of General Chapter 2024
On February 3, 2023, Sr Barbara Dawson formally convoked the General Chapter of 2024. The General Chapter will take place from August 1-31, 2024 in Centro Ad Gentes in Nemi, Italy (a short distance outside of Rome). We invite you to participate actively in this significant event in the life of our global community, building…