A look back at General Chapter 2024
From the arrivals to the Closing Ceremony, this video tries to capture the moments of joy, the moments of warmth and the moments of encounter during General Chapter 2024.
From the arrivals to the Closing Ceremony, this video tries to capture the moments of joy, the moments of warmth and the moments of encounter during General Chapter 2024.
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the various teams that worked behind-the-scenes, supporting the facilitators, the coordinating committee, and the capitulants.
As the Chapter drew to a close, we asked the capitulants to summarize what it was like and what they are going to bring back home.
The General Chapter of 2024 was officially closed on August 31, 2024. In her address, Claire Castaing rscj, our new Superior General, spoke of courage and risk-taking, of the value of vulnerability, and of transformation.
The International Society of the Sacred Heart is pleased to announce the nomination of the new General Council: Ananda Amritmahal (IND), Noellina Namusisi (UGK), Francisca (Paqui) Rodríguez (ESP) and Sheila Smith (USC).
Thursday was a day of much reading for the capitulants, as their task in these days is to give content and form to the General Chapter Document.
On Wednesday, as the capitulants came back to the chapter room after their free day, they saw that the seeds have sprouted and the plants are growing.
Tuesday was the last opportunity for the capitulants to go on outings together.
The Liturgy Team is made up of three RSCJs from different continents, who take turns preparing the daily prayers so that different cultures are represented. On Monday morning, the capitulants prayed in an unusual way, watching an animated film by Korean-American artist Edwin Chang: Wind.
On Sunday morning, the capitulants prayed with a poem of Jan Richardson: “…take the vows the pilgrim takes:
to be faithful to the next step…”